MUSE Scholarship

Past Recipients

In 2023, MUSE Mentorship hosted its first scholarship fund to Black and/or Native students in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. We awarded 20 scholarships, and recipients ranged from senior high school students to recent college undergraduates and secondary school scholars.

This scholarship is part of our broader commitment to provide representation, mentorship, and support to severely underrepresented students in academia. Alleviating financial anxiety associated with the pursuit of academia is foundational to improving the experience of higher education for—and retention of—our most vulnerable scholars, especially scholars from historically/currently marginalized groups who have never received reparations from the United States and are also severely underrepresented in STEM fields.

We are so excited for these accomplished and deserving scholars and wish nothing but success for their careers and academic journeys!

Some past recipients are highlighted below so you can learn a little more about these amazing scholars.

Antonia Amonu McCarthy

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Biology, Pre-med

My name is Antonia Amonu McCarthy and I am a current senior at UMass Amherst. I am a biology major on the pre-med track. I am originally from Cape Coast Ghana and I moved to the United States with my family when I was 9 years old. My family have visited 2 times since then, once in 2017 and recently in December 2022. I currently live in Worcester, MA. On campus, I am an undergraduate researcher, an Undergraduate TA, and an involved student. I am also a mentor to several students on campus as well as a mentee to several UMass students and alumni. As a first generation college student, I find my community by engaging in academic, religious, cultural clubs and RSOs on campus. I am the president of Future Health Leaders Network, a member of UMass BASIC, Black Women in Medicine and BSU to name a few. I am involved with UMass’s Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success (CMASS) as a student and a staff member. Outside of school, I enjoy outdoor running (in nice weather), reading and listening to music. I am an avid cook and baker with cooking and baking being my favorite activities. I enjoy using cooking to share flavors from my culture along with other cultures I have encountered.

My academic goal is to attend medical school and learn what it takes to be a medical doctor academically and socially. My career goal is to become a physician in underserved Black and immigrant communities. I hope to be able to one day use my knowledge to train doctors in low income countries like the one I am from. I have hopes of improving healthcare not only in the United States but in countries most in need of healthcare reform.

Lina Basheir

Saint Joseph's University

Health Sciences, Pre-med

Hello! My name is Lina Basheir and I am an upcoming sophomore at Saint Joseph's University. I am majoring in Health Sciences with a plan of becoming a surgical Physician Associate. My higher education goal is to become a PA so I can help those in need, and make healthcare more safe and accessible for women and minorities.

Ernest Balezi

University of Washington, Seattle

Biology, Public Health

My name is Ernest Balezi, and I am a first year student at the University of Washington Seattle. I want to start by giving all glory to my lord and savior Jesus Christ, and I am grateful to be selected for this scholarship. I have a passion and desire to utilize my gift, knowledge, and wisdom to better the world around me as a Doctor or Physician Assistant; and to leave a legacy of compassion, humility, and most importantly; trusting in God. I hope this message can encourage others along their journey to stay motivated and maintain a perspective of gratefulness no matter how difficult the journey of life can be.

Patience Sithole

Barnard College

Mathematics-Statistics, Psychology

My name is Patience Sithole. I am from Zimbabwe, and I am a sophomore at Barnard College, New York. I am planning to major in Mathematics-Statistics, with a probable minor in psychology as I have always been interested in understanding people’s social and emotional development. Thus, one of my educational goals is to become a mental health advocate. I would like to express my profound gratitude to MUSE Mentorship for identifying the masked financial burdens encountered by students, and also for their commitment to supporting underrepresented individuals as they navigate their career paths.

Donovan David

Colorado State University

Veterinary Medicine

[I am] currently a 3rd year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) student at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. [I am] Diné from the Navajo Nation in Arizona. [I] grew up learning how to care for different species of animals and realized their importance to people in [my] community. Upon completion of [my] program, [I] intend to apply for a mixed animal internship and eventually a spot in a surgical residency program. [My] goal is to return to [my] community to practice veterinary medicine but furthermore [I] hope to inspire and mentor the next generation of Native American students to strive for higher education.

Joseph Kupidlovsky

Virginia Tech

Clinical Neuroscience

My name is Joe! I am studying clinical neuroscience in undergrad, and I plan to attend medical school, following my completion of studies at Virginia Tech, to become an ER Physician!

Klodia Badal

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Biology, English

I am a third-year undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where I am majoring in both Biology and English, with a minor in Human Development, Sustainability, and Rights. As a dedicated member of the Septer Lab, I regularly conduct research on marine bacteria. In the coming fall [2023], I am excited to embark on my own independent project within the lab, following a fruitful year working alongside my postdoctoral mentor, who is now a professor. My passion lies in delving deeper into the realm of microbiology and cell biology while exploring other scientific avenues that positively impact the lives of others, especially in underserved rural communities. My ultimate goal is to contribute to these communities through education and service.

Rachel Yamson

College of Wooster


Hi there! My name is Rachel Yamson, and I am a Psychology major and CSD (Communication Sciences and Disorders) minor at the College of Wooster. I have experience working as an undergraduate research assistant exploring religious coping in emerging adulthood following unhealthy parental relationships. I am a rising junior aspiring to join a social psychology PhD program and then venture into full time research.

Edgar Nickols

Haskell Indian Nations University

Environmental Science, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Hello, my name is Edgar Nickols and I am a member of the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas and Mississippi Band of Choctaws. I am an undergraduate at Haskell Indian Nations University studying Environmental Science and plan to pursue a Ph.D in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology focusing on Deep-Sea Oceanography.

David Ssali

Whitworth University


My name is David, and I consider both Washington and Africa, specifically Uganda, to be my homes. Currently, I am pursuing and engineering degree in college. My passion for this field stems from my fascination with technological marvels, particularly the Omni Processor. This ingenious machine can transform excrement into drinkable water, showcasing the power of human ingenuity and its ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. I am determined to follow in their footsteps and, through rigorous studying, hope to one day invent or improve upon a mechanism similar to the Omni Processor.

Araya Martin

Nevada State College


I am Araya a microbiology major. I am a first generation college student. I plan to become a lab technician or a medical laboratory scientist, one of the first in my family. After I graduate from Nevada State College, I plan to go to graduate school.

Destiny Rampey

East Carolina University

Exercise Physiology

Hi! My name is Destiny Rampey, I live in Fayetteville, North Carolina. I currently attend SandHoke Early College High School, and I am a competitive dancer at Cumberland Dance Academy. I will be attending East Carolina University this fall to pursue of BS in Exercise Science/Physiology. Succeeding this, I plan to go to a Physical Therapist program to pursue a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. Thanks to SandHoke, I will be graduating high school with an advanced studies diploma and an associate's degree; this has shaved off almost 2/7 years of my higher education. I am grateful for the MUSE scholarship and their efforts, thank you again!

Yancey Williams

Yale School of Medicine

Biomedical Engineering

My name is Yancey Williams II, and I am from Birmingham, Alabama. I am a recent graduate from the University of Alabama at Birmingham with a major in biomedical engineering. Now, I am working at Yale School of Medicine in the Cardiovascular Research Center (CVRC). I will be attending the medical scientist training program (MSTP) at Yale University School of Medicine to specialize in targeted drug delivery and cardiology research. Afterward, I plan on researching cardiogenic cells in a cell biology lab while working at an academic hospital.

Gift Nnamdi

University of California, Los Angeles


Hi! My name is Gift Nnamdi and I am currently a fourth-year student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) majoring in Neuroscience and minoring in Global Health. After graduation, my plan is to begin a post-bacc research program to expand my research toolkit while making a meaningful contribution to science. I am heavily involved in biomedical and clinical research and strive to become a physician scientist working within the Behavioral Neuroscience field. Outside of the lab, I am also passionate about public health outreach and healthcare quality improvement initiatives. Some of my hobbies include playing tennis, traveling, and shopping. I would like to end by thanking the MUSE Mentorship organization for their generous offer and investment in my future.

Delani Patterson

College of Wooster


My name is Delani Patterson and I am a rising-junior, at the College of Wooster, majoring in biology and minoring in Africana Studies. Outside of academics, I am the secretary of Black Student Association and a student researcher. I hope to become a podiatrist or cell biologist in the future.

Kalea Bridgemohan

Stella Schena-Gordon

Chiruza Muhimuzi

Not Pictured: